Saturday, November 18, 2006

Playlist for 11/18/06

Song - Artist
Kidnapped in the Yukon - Eagle and Talon
Disco Infiltrator - LCD Soundsystem
Polkarama - Weird Al Yankovic
End It On This - No Doubt
Wake Up Dead - Veruca Salt
I Know You Better - The Blinds
Zombie - The Trucks
Ooh - Scissor Sisters
Today Is the Day - Moros Eros
Rock Bottom -The Dandy Warhols
Jolene - Mefirst and the Gimme Gimme
Smile Like You Mean It - The Killers
Still Diving - Heterogene
Authenticity - Harvey Danger
In Between Days - Ben Folds
Accountancy Shanty - Monty Python
I Think I'm In Love - Beck
Come Out and Play - The Offspring
A Million Ways - OK, Go
Crying Like a Church on Monday - New Radicals
O, Valencia - The Decemberists
Parentheses - The Blow
Apres Moi - Regina Spektor
Ana Ng - They Might Be Giants
Talking In Code - Margot and the Nuclear So & So's
Song 2 - Blur
Things Are Not What They Appear - The Gothic Archies
At the Library - Green Day
Scream and Run Away - The Gothic Archies
Holly Brown - JigGsaw

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